Crisia 2014, XLIV

1. Gruia Traian FAZECAŞ, Doru Mircea MARTA, Locuirea eneolitică târzie de la Oradea – str. Cireşilor

Late Copper Age Settlement from Oradea – Cireşilor street

In this article we present an archaeological complex belonging to the end Copper Age found in Oradea – Cireşelor street. This complex was uncovered during of an preventive archaeological research caused by the construction of a residential district. In addition to this complex were discovered another two ovens, which also belong to the Baden culture, but those will be subject of another study. In addition to Baden culture specific pottery has been found an awl made of copper with both ends sharp and rectangular section. Baden culture settlement from Oradea – Cireşilor street presents a particular feature regarding the type of habitat. Is a settlement the heights different from what we know that this culture people prefer. However, the small area that has been researched and where have been discovered archaeological materials belonging to the Late Copper Age, does not allow us to establish with certainty whether it is a settlement belonging exclusively Baden culture or mixed settlements Coţofeni – Baden, as were discovered and other places in Oradea or surrounding area.

2. Călin GHEMIŞ, Tudor RUS, Robert KOVACS, Între sacru şi profan – o descoperire aparţinând culturii Coţofeni din peştera „Stanu Cerbului” (sat. Luncasprie, com. Dobreşti, jud.Bihor)

Between sacred and profane – an discovery belonging to Coţofeni Culture fom „Stanu Cerbului” cave (Bihor County)

This brief paper present a recent ceramic find, discovered at “Stanu Cerbului” cave in Vida Valley, Bihor County. It can be remarked an pattern which is specifc to the Coţofeni culture, in its third stage of evolution. The other three situations in wich pots are discovered in caves: Igriţa, Izbândiş and Moanei seems to proove an special religious comportament regarding and subterraneous deity. These discoveries proove the fact that in the late stage of Coţofeni culture under others cultural influences ritual places are often used, and as we know from the literature they are specific to the Pădurea Craiului Mountains.

3. Ioan CRIŞAN, Noi interpretări privind semnificaţia lespezii funerare de la temelia bisericii satului medieval Rădvani

New Interpretations Regarding the Significance of the Tombstone at the Foundation of the Church in the Medieval Village of Rădvani

The church in Radvani village – a settlement, documentary certified beginning with 1214 till the 17th century, when it was abandoned – from medieval Bihor ounty, was built at an unspecified period, between the last part of the 12th century and the last part of the 13th century, on a stone foundation. The construction material was retrieved from an older demolished building, whose placement has not been identified yet. Two of the stones in the foundation of the church had been previously tombstones, one of them having the maximum dimensions: 1, 64 m length, 0, 62 m width, 0, 25 thickness; it was placed at the basis of the south-west of the nave, at the recessed apse. The surface of this tombstone, down on the earth, has a rich sculptured decoration, having as main motif a Maltese cross, a religious procession type and a cross with bent arms, composed of 4 quadrilaterals, considered as Solomon’s knot. This tombstone, of 500 kg weight was, on the whole, an angular stone building, a fundamental element. In biblical sense, the angular stone refers to the massive stone from Solomon’s temple. The author wants to suggest the hypothesis that the tombstone with its decorations is Jesus Christ’s symbol that stayed at the basis of the church in Radvani, seen both as a material edifice and a human community united by its faith in Christ.

4. Răzvan Mihai NEAGU, Consideraţii privind politica beneficială a papilor Inocenţiu al VI-lea, Urban al V-lea şi Grigore al XI-lea în Dieceza de Oradea

Considerations Regardind the Beneficial Policy of Popes Innocent VI, Urban V And Gregory XI in the Diocese of Oradea

This study represents a sequel of our material published in this journal last year, regardind the beneficial policy of pope Clement VI in the diocese of Oradea. The succesors of Clement VI, Innocent VI, Urban V and Gregory XI continued his policy and were involved in the distribution of the ecclesiastical benefits in the diocese of Oradea. Thus, this popes granted eleven canonries. All those who were named were subjects of the King of Hungary. There were no allogeneic elements. Most of the cannons came from the diocese of Transylvania. As we have previously demonstrated, the canonries were granted by the pope due to the intervention of a secular or ecclesiastical high dignitary who wanted to reward his loyal servants.

5. Gizella NEMETH, Adriano PAPO, Il “Diario di viaggio” di Pierre Lescalopier: dal Bosforo in Transilvania attraverso la Bulgaria e la Valacchia (1574)
The Travel-Diary” by Pierre Lescalopier: from Bosphorus to Transylvania through Bulgaria and Wallachia (1574)

The Travel-Diary by Pierre Lescalopier is a series of notes taken by its Author during a voyage he went on in 1574 from Venice to Istanbul along the Adriatic and through the Balkans returning to Padua through Bulgaria, Wallachia and Transylvania. At that time, he was a law student in Padua. Pierre Lescalopier was born in Paris in the middle of 1550 from an Italian patrician family which had moved to France. This paper deals with the second part of the voyage, i.e. the return from Istanbul to Padua through Bulgaria, Wallachia, Transylvania, Austria and Friuli. The diary is not only a description of the voyage, but a true historical source. In fact, it gives us some information about the project of alliance among the Poles, the French, and the Transylvanians, the settling of Hungarian Protestants in Istanbul, the economic life of Transylvania, the working mines, the local traditions, the life conditions of people the author of the diary encountered.

6. BUDAHÁZY István, Alexandru POP, Un reţetar farmaceutic din anul 1761 – Partea a II-a: materia medica

A Farmaceutical Recipe from 1761 – Second Part: Materia Medica

The work represents the second part of the study „A Farmaceutical Recipe from 1761” (CRISIA, XLIII, 2013) offering data on materia medica of it. Out of the 1200 positions from the inventary, only 77 are presented, those with „A” letter initial, with exemples not included in TAXA PHARMACEUTICA POSONIENSIS, reference document.

7. Ioan CIORBA, Drama celorlalţi în ochii noştri: reflectarea marii foamete irlandeze de la mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea în presa românească

Drama of Others in Our Eyes: the Reflection of the Great Irish Famine in the Mid-nineteenth Century Romanian Press

In the mid nineteenth century a terrible famine hit Ireland, causing a variety of negative consequences. These have impacted equally on demographic behavior, economic and social life, attitudes etc. Manifestation of this food crisis coincided with the first years of existence of some Romanian newspapers. They strove as much as they could to inform their readers about internal and external situations. Taking this into consideration, and also considering the similarities between the rural Romanian world (Transylvanian) and the Irish one, the famine that hit Ireland would take considerable space in the newspapers, and its evolution is followed with interest and constancy from the first moments of the event to the beginning of 1848. Issues arising from the scourge range which have been reflected in regular newspapers were surprisingly extensive, recording the potato crop failure, increased food grain prices and generally decrease the amount of food and difficulties in obtaining food, the occurrence of diseases due to starvation, death, emigration, increased crime rates and crime etc.. While famine was extended in some parts of Ireland until 1849 the Romanian language newspapers followed its evolution only until the beginning of 1848. The start of European revolution has shifted the focus towards other foreign policy issues.

8. Klementina ARDELEAN, Contribuţii la cunoaşterea activităţii reuniunii femeilor române din Lugoj (1863-1918)

Contributions to the History of Activites of the Romanian Women Reunion of Lugoj (1863-1918)

Through a ceaseless activity carried out for more than 55 years (1863-1918), The Romanian Women Reunion in Lugoj brought its contribution to the unification of the Romanian social and cultural life of the area. A significant dimension of its activity was the philanthropic one, most of its incomes being meant for some charity works. The aspect of promoting the national values was not neglected either, the musical-theatrical events and the conferences being means within the easy reach of the reunion for the promotion and strengthening of the national feeling.

9. Augustin MUREŞAN, Tiparul sigilar al breslei fierarilor, rotarilor, fierarilor de cuie, frânghierilor, curelarilor, şelarilor, dogarilor, brutarilor şi săpunarilor din Jimbolia (1824)

The 1824 Seal Pattern of the United Guild of Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights, Iron Nails Manufacturers, Rope Makers, Belt Manufacturers, Saddlers, Coopers, Bakers and Soap Manufacturers in Jimbolia

The author presents a seal belonging to the United Guild of Jimbolia, dating from 1824. This seal is included in the category of heraldic seals.On the emblem, there are representations of the craftsmen who joined this professional association: blacksmiths, wheelwrights, iron nail manufacturers, rope makers, belt manufacturers, saddlers, coopers, bakers and soap manufacturers.

10. Blaga MIHOC, Un manuscris din 1840, despre situaţia Principatelor Moldova şi Ţara Românească. Conţinut şi încadrare în context european

A Manuscript about Moldavia and Wallachia, Dating from 1840. Content and Classification in the European Context

In this work, the author presents and comments a translation from French into Romanian of an article published in “Journal des débats…” dating from 25 november 1839, wrote by the agent of the Greco-catholic episcopate, Lauran Popescu from Viena, at 27.04.1840. The article presents the political situation of Romanian Principalities and Moldavia in the period of the reigns elected as a consequence of the regulations made by Organic Statute, and is based on a book written by Felix Colson, which was published in 1839.

11. Cristian CONSTANTIN, Câteva informaţii cu privire la interesele economice portugheze în Transilvania (în perioada interbelică)

Some Information Regarding the Portuguese Economic Interests in Transylvania (in Interwar Period)

The question of the Portuguese interests from the area of the Lower Danube has been treated insufficiently in the Romanian historiography. This study is based the some documents stored in the diplomatic archives of the Portugal’s Consulate in Galati. The interest shown by the Portuguese political and economic circles for the trade and navigation at the Lower Danube represented a constant of the Romanian – Portuguese relationship in interwar period. Portugal wanted to transform the Romanian market in one of their outlets. Economic relations between Romania and Portugal don’t were at the same level as those of the members of the European Commission of the Danube. In this context Transylvania played a semnificative role in commerce with wood for the Portuguese barrel (“douelles”).

12. Doina-Gabriela ANANIE, Informaţii privind comunitatea evreiască din Oradea prezente în paginile ziarului Vestul României

Information Regarding the Jewish Community from Oradea Found in the Romanian West Gazette

The articles or the short news about the Jewish community from Oradea, included in the Romanian West gazette offer us information about the relationships, ethnic or confessional, between this group and the Romanian or the Hungarian community. Because the Jews were mainly of Hungarian culture, and because of their different religion and habits, they were regarded with great suspicions by the Romanians, this new formed nation that was trying to consolidate its status. The chauvinistic accents can be felt from both sides, with different degrees of intensity.

13. Gabriel MOISA, Răscoalele ţărăneşti din Bihor (vara anului 1949) – între realitate şi propagandă

The Peasent Uprisings from Bihor County (the Summer of 1949) – Between Reality and Propaganda

This study proves once again that the totalitarian regime of Romania, like other regimes of this kind, controls in an efficient way and to its own benefit the entire national press. It was used on a large scale as a means of propaganda, aiming to mask the truth and provided it in a distortioned way to the public. At that time, the written press was one of the most efficient means of indoctrination and the communist regime used it in the most efficient way.

14. Sorin FARCAŞ, Războiul civil din Grecia şi colonia de greci din Oradea

The Greek Civil War and the Greek Colony of Oradea

This article brings into focus an historic moment of our city when many Greek immigrants arrived in communist Romania. They were mainly refugees, victims of the Greek civil war. Two hundred thousand Greek refugees arrived in Eastern European countries. Our country received about 12 000 immigrants. The first colony of Greek refugees in Romania was established on the third of February 1949; among them were 400 children. The last group of Greek children arrived in December 1948, the total number of children being 5604. In Oradea, the Greek children (about 800 in number) were housed in the Roman-Catholic Seminary of theology, until it was closed in 1955/1956. Following the 1956 census, Romania was home to 11 166 Greeks, 513 of them hosted in Oradea. It is important to mention however, that the Greek political refugees, excepting the children, were communist partisans. Their political affiliation was the main reason why they were accepted by the communist countries; it was not due to humanitarian concerns.