Publication requirements
Crisia aims to publish studies and articles that capitalize on the results of research in the field of history. The texts can be sent to the editorial office in electronic format, in Romanian, English, French, German or Italian, accompanied by a summary and five keywords in English. Articles should not exceed 20 pages and will have the following structure:
Title: capitalized, centered, followed by a blank line;
Author/Authors: aligned to the right, the last name written in capital letters, if there are several authors, their names are separated by a comma and after the name of each author an explanatory note marked with an asterisk is inserted, which will contain the institution where the author is employed and his/theirs email address – a free line follows;
Summary title: capitalized and centered followed by a free line;
Summary: aligned at both edges (justify) followed by a free line;
Keywords: aligned at both edges, followed by a free line;
Article text: aligned at both edges – two free lines are left at the end of the article;
Bibliography – it is not numbered, it is aligned at both edges, the following variants will be used:
- for books:
Gabriel Moisa, Istoria Transilvaniei în istoriografia românească [The History of Transylvania in the Romanian Historiography], Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press Publishing House, 2003, p. 10. - for articles:
Gianfranco Giraudo, “The Greek-Catholics in Romania”, in Crisia, XXXIX, 2009, p. 201. - for archive sources:
National Archives, Bihor County Service (hereinafter, will quote N.A.B.C.S., Bihor County Agricultural Council fund, file No. 4 / 1923, sheet 17.
List of illustrations: lined on both sides.
Illustrations: will be transmitted in jpeg or tiff format at a resolution of 300dpi and will be noted as figures (Fig. 1, 2 …). Illustrations will be published in grayscale or color.
Every year, the deadline for sending articles and reviews for the Crisia journal is the 1st of July, by e-mail: crisia@mtariicrisurilor.ro